Sunday, November 20, 2016
Tempe is one of the food materials which can be processed into a variety of delicious healthy cuisine.
tempeh can also be avery tasty dishes and make nagih. The recipe is dried tempeh recipe spicy sweet banana mix. Like what the recipe? Listen carefully the following.

1 box tempeh (a weight of 200 grams, diced according to taste)
10 seeds petai (halved)
2 large red chilies (exhaust content, iris oblique)
1 stalk celery
1 leek
Right amount of oil)

Salt to taste)
Sugar (to taste)
7 pieces of cayenne pepper (sliced ​​oblique)
5 spring onions (finely chopped)
3 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
Soy sauce (to taste)
1 tablespoon brown sugar (fine comb)
Chicken broth (to taste)
Pepper powder (if you like, to taste)

How to make:
1. Fry the diced tempeh has a yellow to brown. Lift then drain and set aside briefly.
2. Fried beans and ripe banana until wilted. Lift then drain and set aside along with tempeh has been fried.
3. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant.
Add cayenne pepper, red chili is great, pepper powder, salt and a little sugar.
4. Enter the tempe and banana into a spice that has been pan-fried. Stir until blended.
5. Add the chicken bouillon powder, leek, celery and brown sugar that has been finely combed. Stir until all ingredients seep into tempeh.
6. Finally, add soy sauce to taste more delicious and scrumptious.
Petai tempe dry mix was prepared for served with warm white rice.

Not only easy, this recipe is also very practical. How, keen to make this cuisine menu at home? Good luck and good family at home like.


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