Tuesday, December 6, 2016


bali seasoning in the know with the characteristic red marinade derived from chili peppers. Bumbu Bali is known as a very strong aroma marinade and lumpy, Bali, a seasoning though with various types of cuisine including this one recipe that chicken recipe savory seasoning Bali ldan delicious. How to make it very easy you can make yourself at home. See more recipes below.

Materials needed:
1 whole chicken cut into 8 pieces
1 cm galangal dimemarkan
2 bay leaves
3 lime leaves
2 tomatoes, each cut into 8 pieces
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Salt to taste

Material fine spices:
3 eggs hazelnut
6 shallots
5 cloves garlic
7 red chilies
2 segment ginger
1/2 tablespoon of fried shrimp

How to make:
1. First, mix the chicken pieces with salt to taste, then let sit for a minute so the salt is absorbed.
2. Then half-cooked fried chicken and set aside.
3. Saute the spices until fragrant.
4. Next, enter the bay leaves, galangal, lime leaves, tomatoes, and sweet soy sauce.
5. Then add the fried chicken, and cook until cooked and the flavors mingle. If you have, poultry seasoning Bali was ready to be served.

That recipe Bali poultry seasoning that tastes very delicious, savory and delicious. Hopefully useful and welcome to try it at home yes.


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