Sunday, December 25, 2016
one of the recipes that one may still not much dijuampai, this recipe is good culinary especially when combined with honey, adds to its enjoyment.
Excerpted from the book Popular Fried Assorted drafted Tim Kitchen Demedia, following complete recipe fried banana honey appetizing.

150 gr bread flour
Horn banana, taste, cut into pieces
The oil for frying

150 ml water
1/2 tsp salt
Vanilla powder to taste
200 gr flour
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg

How to make:
1. Mix all ingredients dyes, stir until blended;
2. Dip one by one banana slices on the dough and then roll in bread crumbs, lightly press down until the entire fully closed;
3. Heat oil over medium heat many, fried bananas until golden and cooked through. Remove, drain and serve immediately.


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