Sunday, December 25, 2016

martabak a good culinary for consumption, especially in eating together, more can be added closeness and adds to the enjoyment martabak.
Here is one recipe martabak that many people you can make it yourself at home, it is very easy and practical pakek not complicated. Hear more recipes below.

How to make:
Martabak cake Ingredients:
400 grams of wheat flour
80 grams sugar
5 grams instant yeast
4 grams of fine salt
2 eggs
450 ml water
2 grams of baking soda
a hint of vanilla
50 grams butter, melted

Fill Martabak:
Sweetened condensed milk to taste
Meses chocolate taste
Cream cheese spead / grated Cheddar cheese to taste
Peanut butter, straweberry, according to your taste

Steps to Make Martabak:
1. Enter the flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and salt into a large-sized bowl. And mix well using a spatula, be screened until the dough is not clotted.
2. Next, leave the dough for 1 hour at room temperature.
3. Prepare a nonstick griddle or skillet teflon diameter up to you. Meanwhile, mix baking soda with a little water and add to the batter and mix well.
4. Pour approximately 2-3 ladle the batter into the pan. Then flatten the dough with a shaken-roll.
5. Sprinkle a little sugar, then cover the pan and roast over low heat until the dough martabak looked porous and dry. We recommend that you use a wok lid made of transparent glass, so you can know martabak maturity.
6. If martabak already cooked, remove from the pan and place martabak in telenan. Then rubbing the top martabak with butter / margarine.
7. Then add the sweetened condensed milk to taste. Then sprinkle with the contents of the prepared material, such as meses chocolate, grated cheese or jam.
8. Fold martabak and .... Delicious! Sweet Martabak your creation is ready to be enjoyed.

Make it easy to make it? for you who want to make snacks at home, please make Martabak. good luck


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