There will not be that difficult anymore if the little one did not want to
eat vegetables. Do you make satay material of veggies.Here's a recipe that was
launched reseprozi quoted from
300 g broccoli, cut perkuntum
3 potatoes, peeled, diced
1 teaspoon margarine
Salt and pepper to taste
Skewers taste
1 tablespoon margarine
1/4 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
100 gr melted cheese or mozarella
100 ml milk
How to make:
1. Boil the potatoes and broccoli until cooked, remove and drain.
2. Heat margarine, add the potatoes and broccoli, add salt and pepper and
stir well. Lift.
3. The cheese sauce: Heat the margarine and saute onion and garlic until
fragrant. Insert the cheese and milk and cook until thickened. Lift.
4. Prick the potatoes and broccoli
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